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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Social Media - Where the introvert becomes the extrovert

Hey y’all

I just popped over from Twitter to write this while I was still thinking about it.  I was just sitting there  reading some tweets (I’m very new to Twitter btw so that’s probably why what I’m about to tell you fascinated me so much) and I just couldn’t help looking at the numbers/stats consistently change.  I mean fast.  I wouldn’t exactly say faster than a speeding bullet but it was close.

People post things.  Fans or followers what have you see these things and can retweet them on their own page (much like you can share things on Facebook).  This simple fact alone just got me thinking that someone - anyone - who wouldn’t otherwise be the type of person to find out the latest gossip or discuss things with people or even just leave their house can be “in the know”.  Technological advancement seems to make people be new/different/gutsy.

The point of all of this is I find it amazing how people can hang out and know what a complete stranger thinks about almost anything without ever having to get out of bed (so long as you have a phone or tablet near by).

Til next time

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