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Saturday, April 7, 2018

Fluffy Blanket?

What’s up y’all????

Okay so tonight I needed to wash a blanket - it’s one of my hubbys favorite blankets and he wanted it super soft.  Well come to find out I’m out of fabric softener so of course I head on over
to Googly Moogly to see if I could find someway to make some sort of fabric softener out of what I have in the house.

I found this article on wikihow with five different ways to make homemade fabric softener.  I used method two and so far so good.   Basically you get a cup of baking soda and mix that with two cups of hot water and stir it up good.  The baking soda won’t dissolve completely but it needs to be totally moistened.  Then you add one cup of white distilled vinegar SLOWLY AND A LITTLE BIT AT A TIME or else you’ll end up with a big ol’ mess since it reacts with the baking soda (anyone remember making those paper mache volcanos when you were a kid?).

Then you just dump it on top of the load and hope for something me ultra soft wannabe snuggles.

My next adventure will be to make a corn casserole tonight- I’ll try to remember to let you know how it goes!

Til next time —
Toodles!     :)

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