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Monday, April 2, 2018

Resurrection Reflection

Hi guys

So yesterday (seeing as it’s after midnight) was the day those of us who are Christian celebrate the gift of Jesus’ resurrection.

When I remember the sacrifice that Jesus made and how selfLESS he was/is, it makes me realize just how fragile and imperfect the human race really is.

For so many people, their own image in the eyes of other has to be or needs to be perfect.  But here’s a news flash: if you are human, you are not perfect.  It’s simply unattainable.  To think perfection in anything on this earth can be achieved is naive and ignorant.

This can be applied to anyone no matter what your beliefs—  no one on earth is spared from being imperfect.  Not a single person.

That’s why it is so important to come to terms with that and accept who you are as you are.

There is no room/time to be fake.  It’s so easy and dare I say, habitual, to be fake.  We try to present ourselves to others how we think they want us to be...but it shouldn’t be that way.

At the end of the day we are all just fallible humans.

An old buddy of mine just started a YouTube channel that you should definitely check out.  It’s raw honest and real talk.  If you would like to show some support for him check out this link right here and be sure to like, subscribe and share with your friends.  The name of his series is Cool Conversations.

Also if you’d like to show me a little support please do the same for my new YouTube channel as well.  It’s going to be very simple but hopefully effective way to present my artwork that I plan to sell at the following sites:

Thanks a lot guys and until next time, toodles!

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