Find Somethin' Specific

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Carrots and Avocados

hi guys

Today I wanted to post about my decision to plant carrots.  I made a trip to the dollar store (no shame - best place on earth) a couple of days ago to get a few things and I came across this package of carrot seeds.  Made a complete impulse purchase.  The pot, the soil, and the seeds.  My child is picky as heck but loves to eat carrots.   I hope this goes as well as I am planning because I have never planted carrots before.

In the past I have planted flowers and avocados.  My avocado trees never bore fruit but it was a very fun experiment.  Here are the steps to plant an avocado tree if you’re interested:

Cut an avocado in half and take out the seed.

Eat the avocado — or not.

Rinse off the seed until there is no fruit left.

Get a solo cup or styrofoam cup (you could use a regular glass drinking cup but I’d think it’d be a PAIN to clean).

Get three toothpicks.

Place the toothpicks evenly around the thinner side of the seed.

Place the seed in the cup (the toothpicks will keep the seed suspended in the center of the cup) and fill with water just until the seed touches the water.

Change out the water every couple of days.

As the days pass the skin of the seed will begin to peel off and the seed will crack.  After that you will notice the plant pop out and begin to grow.  It’s best to start these out in a window sill inside the house since they need a lot of sun (at least until they are big enough to survive outside).

Once the branch is very thick and you have a few leaves then it’s time to transplant the tree to the outdoors.

There are several factors that could determine if your tree will bear fruit.  You will need the correct climate and at least another tree for starters.  Throw a comment down and let me know if you’ve tried this!

Until next time—

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