Find Somethin' Specific

Monday, April 16, 2018

My Click Rewards

hey y’all what is up 2 day!?!?

So one of the things I signed up for awhile back is My Click Rewards which you can check out by clicking on that beautiful blue text over there (hehe).  My click rewards is a company that sends you daily emails after you sign up.  You check your email and “click” on the link then answer the questions (which are usually the EXACT SAME questions).  After you complete the questions you will earn your click for the day.  Winners are randomly drawn to receive amazon gift cards.  Pretty cool right?

Incase you’re have not been selected to win and no...they are not paying me to advertise this.  Haha!  Just a neat and easy little thing to do to potentially get a gift card because, why not?

Til next time


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