Find Somethin' Specific

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Heads in the Clouds

Hi guys

As I sit here on the couch to a nice cup of coffee about to watch UP, I got to thinking about the movie I watched yesterday.  These are for the benefits of my kid btw....gone are the days when I can just sit and do nothing for no reason hehe.  Anyway, the movie I watched yesterday was the original theatrical version of 1991’s Beauty and the Beast.

There are two moments in this classic film which have been under my skin, unbeknownst to myself in the primarily conscious sense, for years.  I see faces in the clouds.  Allow me to explain.

1) After the Beast realizes Belle wants nothing to do with him after spying via the mirror, after he says “she’ll never see me as anything but a monster.  It’s hopeless.”, there, as clear as day (at least to me), you see a picture of belles face in the sky.  I believe it’s in the upper left hand side of the screen in comparison to the beast’s face.

2) The second time I saw this was closer to the end of the film.  Specifically, the fight scene on the roof top of the castle around the point when Gaston says “it’s over Beast.  Belle is mine!”.  It’s (not quite too coincidentally) also in the upper left hand side of the screen.  This time it is the Beast’s angry face above Gaston’s head.

If I could manage to find a picture to add on to this I will do so.  I suppose I should have taken a couple of stills yesterday when I watched it but I did not.  Anywho, if anyone also sees the faces or, something else, shoot me a comment and let’s compare thoughts and perspectives!

Til next time


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