Find Somethin' Specific

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Wasp Kills Spider

Hi guys!

So I just read on Fox News that the worlds oldest spider was murdered so to a wasp.  Check it out.

Until next time


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Heads in the Clouds

Hi guys

As I sit here on the couch to a nice cup of coffee about to watch UP, I got to thinking about the movie I watched yesterday.  These are for the benefits of my kid btw....gone are the days when I can just sit and do nothing for no reason hehe.  Anyway, the movie I watched yesterday was the original theatrical version of 1991’s Beauty and the Beast.

There are two moments in this classic film which have been under my skin, unbeknownst to myself in the primarily conscious sense, for years.  I see faces in the clouds.  Allow me to explain.

1) After the Beast realizes Belle wants nothing to do with him after spying via the mirror, after he says “she’ll never see me as anything but a monster.  It’s hopeless.”, there, as clear as day (at least to me), you see a picture of belles face in the sky.  I believe it’s in the upper left hand side of the screen in comparison to the beast’s face.

2) The second time I saw this was closer to the end of the film.  Specifically, the fight scene on the roof top of the castle around the point when Gaston says “it’s over Beast.  Belle is mine!”.  It’s (not quite too coincidentally) also in the upper left hand side of the screen.  This time it is the Beast’s angry face above Gaston’s head.

If I could manage to find a picture to add on to this I will do so.  I suppose I should have taken a couple of stills yesterday when I watched it but I did not.  Anywho, if anyone also sees the faces or, something else, shoot me a comment and let’s compare thoughts and perspectives!

Til next time


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Free Essential Oils!


I just came across this awesome website where you can actually take classes (unaccredited obviously) and earn points toward free bottles of essential oils!   How awesome is that??  Not to mention the bottles seem to be decently priced if you’d like to give something special for a special mom in your life (mother’s day is coming up...cough..cough..).   Here is where you need to go to check out this amazing opportunity.  Learning is fun yay!  Lol

Til next time

Monday, April 23, 2018

.49 All Detergent

Hi guys!

I came across this link today and I felt super compelled to share it with you.  Check it out if there is a Walgreens near you!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Lemon Bars DELUXE - pt 1?

Hey y’all what’s up?!?!?

So tonight I’m going to dive into a recipe I’ve never made before —- as the title of today’s post clearly suggests, it’s called “lemon bars deluxe”.  It’s in a recipe book that was given to me by my husbands grandmother - put together by members of their church.   Since there are no links, I’ll post the recipe in part 2—presuming it turns out well....

Til then


Friday, April 20, 2018

2 Days — 6 Reads


So it’s been a couple of days since I posted anything and I posted the cookie post only a few minutes ago and I already have 6 views!  Wow talk about a run on sentence.  Anyway, maybe it’s because I don’t know how technology works but it seems like there are people out there in internet land who are actually interested in what I have to say so I’m going to keep this up!  Thanks guys!  Happy Friday :)

Til next time

M&M Cookies

hey guys

Today I baked some cookies using the recipe on the back of the party size bag of M&Ms.  They came out delicious but strangely enough they didn’t hold the shape I expected.  That probably has something to do with the fact that I didn’t use a cookie sheet.  Yep - I just used two 9x13 pans.  You live and you learn right?

Til next time -


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

IRS Days Grace Period

Hi guys

If you haven’t filed your taxes then you’re still okay-although a procrastinator may I say...

All joking aside, this link here explains how the IRS payment site crashed.  File those taxes guys!

Aches and Pains

This morning I woke up with a pretty UN exciting headache and it’s got me down pretty bad.  It got me thinking about the differences between acetaminophen and ibuprofen since those are the two most  readily available OTC remedies.

Acetaminophen is an analgesic which is pain relief.  It also reduces fever.  A commonly known brand name is Tylenol.

Ibuprofen is a non steroid anti inflammatory drug (nsaid) which reduces inflammation.  Commonly known brand names include Advil and Motrin.

This site  here has some very thorough information comparing the two.

Until next time,

Monday, April 16, 2018

Whether the Weather

You guys

I don’t know about y’all but I am seriously confused with the amount of times the weather has been changing over the past couple of days here on the mid east coast US.   In the span of two hours I went from needing a jacket to not wanting anything but a T-shirt.

Rain then sunshine repeat 5 times.

No joke.

I just wanted to share that and see if anyone else thinks it’s as crazy as I do.

Til next time

My Click Rewards

hey y’all what is up 2 day!?!?

So one of the things I signed up for awhile back is My Click Rewards which you can check out by clicking on that beautiful blue text over there (hehe).  My click rewards is a company that sends you daily emails after you sign up.  You check your email and “click” on the link then answer the questions (which are usually the EXACT SAME questions).  After you complete the questions you will earn your click for the day.  Winners are randomly drawn to receive amazon gift cards.  Pretty cool right?

Incase you’re have not been selected to win and no...they are not paying me to advertise this.  Haha!  Just a neat and easy little thing to do to potentially get a gift card because, why not?

Til next time


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Carrots and Avocados

hi guys

Today I wanted to post about my decision to plant carrots.  I made a trip to the dollar store (no shame - best place on earth) a couple of days ago to get a few things and I came across this package of carrot seeds.  Made a complete impulse purchase.  The pot, the soil, and the seeds.  My child is picky as heck but loves to eat carrots.   I hope this goes as well as I am planning because I have never planted carrots before.

In the past I have planted flowers and avocados.  My avocado trees never bore fruit but it was a very fun experiment.  Here are the steps to plant an avocado tree if you’re interested:

Cut an avocado in half and take out the seed.

Eat the avocado — or not.

Rinse off the seed until there is no fruit left.

Get a solo cup or styrofoam cup (you could use a regular glass drinking cup but I’d think it’d be a PAIN to clean).

Get three toothpicks.

Place the toothpicks evenly around the thinner side of the seed.

Place the seed in the cup (the toothpicks will keep the seed suspended in the center of the cup) and fill with water just until the seed touches the water.

Change out the water every couple of days.

As the days pass the skin of the seed will begin to peel off and the seed will crack.  After that you will notice the plant pop out and begin to grow.  It’s best to start these out in a window sill inside the house since they need a lot of sun (at least until they are big enough to survive outside).

Once the branch is very thick and you have a few leaves then it’s time to transplant the tree to the outdoors.

There are several factors that could determine if your tree will bear fruit.  You will need the correct climate and at least another tree for starters.  Throw a comment down and let me know if you’ve tried this!

Until next time—

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Social Media - Where the introvert becomes the extrovert

Hey y’all

I just popped over from Twitter to write this while I was still thinking about it.  I was just sitting there  reading some tweets (I’m very new to Twitter btw so that’s probably why what I’m about to tell you fascinated me so much) and I just couldn’t help looking at the numbers/stats consistently change.  I mean fast.  I wouldn’t exactly say faster than a speeding bullet but it was close.

People post things.  Fans or followers what have you see these things and can retweet them on their own page (much like you can share things on Facebook).  This simple fact alone just got me thinking that someone - anyone - who wouldn’t otherwise be the type of person to find out the latest gossip or discuss things with people or even just leave their house can be “in the know”.  Technological advancement seems to make people be new/different/gutsy.

The point of all of this is I find it amazing how people can hang out and know what a complete stranger thinks about almost anything without ever having to get out of bed (so long as you have a phone or tablet near by).

Til next time

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Quizzes on Facebook - possible data breach

hi guys

Check out the attached article concerning the data breach of private messages.  Chances are you have nothing to worry about unless you have taken any of the quizzes made by the creator mentioned in the article.  Facebook Chairman Mark Zuckerberg is going to be scrutinized at Capitol Hill today and tomorrow.  Live updates can be found through a simple google search surely.  I don’t think that we will simply have to say good bye to Facebook but this might bring about more security (a.k.a. less functionality and freedom). Let me know what you think in the comments!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Sweet Corn Casserole

hi guys!

I mentioned the other day that I was going to be making a corn casserole and I would let you know how it turned out (if I remembered...hehe!).  Well, it turned out great!  I used the recipe here and I doubled it and cooked it in a 9x13 inch pan.  I also used all regular corn since I didn’t have any cream corn.  I kept in some of the corn water to give more moisture to make up for not having the cream corn.  In addition to that I also added a little bit more sugar to taste.  On top of the mixture once I poured it in the pan I sprinkled some more sugar along with some cinnamon.  ‘‘Twas truly truly mouth watering my friends.

If you try it out throw down a comment and let me know how it went!

Til next time,


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Fluffy Blanket?

What’s up y’all????

Okay so tonight I needed to wash a blanket - it’s one of my hubbys favorite blankets and he wanted it super soft.  Well come to find out I’m out of fabric softener so of course I head on over
to Googly Moogly to see if I could find someway to make some sort of fabric softener out of what I have in the house.

I found this article on wikihow with five different ways to make homemade fabric softener.  I used method two and so far so good.   Basically you get a cup of baking soda and mix that with two cups of hot water and stir it up good.  The baking soda won’t dissolve completely but it needs to be totally moistened.  Then you add one cup of white distilled vinegar SLOWLY AND A LITTLE BIT AT A TIME or else you’ll end up with a big ol’ mess since it reacts with the baking soda (anyone remember making those paper mache volcanos when you were a kid?).

Then you just dump it on top of the load and hope for something me ultra soft wannabe snuggles.

My next adventure will be to make a corn casserole tonight- I’ll try to remember to let you know how it goes!

Til next time —
Toodles!     :)

Dementia Detection

hi guys

I just read this article about a game providing research into dementia early warning signs which was quite interesting if you’d like to go give it a read.  Very interesting stuff.

Cake No Eggs Pt 2

The story continues...

Hi guys!

Well the cake I made today turned out to be a success.  I also made a chocolate frosting which came out really well.  I have attached both links below so you can peruse each one after reading this.  I will say that the only thing I changed about the cake was adding a little extra vanilla extract and also adding a little orange extract at the hubbys request.  I also added 10 drops each red and yellow food coloring for fun.

All in all I’d highly recommend combining these two recipes together if you need to make a cake in a pinch when you don’t have any eggs (or if you’re allergic).

Here’s the cake

Here’s the frosting

Enjoy!  And if you decide to make it, come back and let me know how it turned out!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Cake No Eggs Pt 1

hi guys!

Today is my wonderful husbands birthday and lately I’ve been on a baking streak.  I mean — staying home all day provides plenty of time to experiment and try new things right?   Anyway, I had it all in my head — I am going to make a delicious cake for my husband to celebrate his birthday.   Until I realized that I had no eggs.  Oh the irony.   So I am on the hunt for a recipe without eggs - stay tuned for what I chose and how it turned out!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Udimi. Houdini? No. Udimi!

Hi guys

So tonight amongst my internet travels I came across a pretty sweet website which helps you generate  traffic to your website by purchasing clicks from people who already have a very high amount of traffic on their own sites.  The company is called Udimi and I heard about them from Sean Bagheri on YouTube.  FYI — this dude has a LOT of information on how to make legitimate cashola online.  The video I watched to learn about Udimi is here.  Give it a quick view to learn a little bit more specifics about this.

After I signed up with Udimi I received a unique π™°πšπšπš’πš•πš’πšŠπšπšŽ link  which will give anyone who registers with it an immediately available 5.00 discount on any purchase.  Get your clicks y’all!

Until next time


Sugar Shower Company

Hey y’all!

Here is a legit money from home opportunity right here.  All you really need is an internet connection  (which you obviously have since you’re reading this) along with an email address to sign up.  It’s totally commission based starting at a max of 30% per sale.

This is the link to the company where you will send your customers.

And if you’re interested in becoming an affiliate please go here

It looks pretty cool and I signed up as an affiliate this afternoon.  Doesn’t hurt to get a little surprise pay every now and then, right?

If you have any questions please send me an email at

Til next time -


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Easy Free Online Pay! Say Wuuut?

Hi guys!

So no joke, I just discovered this super nifty site that is basically a referral site to incentivize people to click.  Super simple stuff.  I just created an account at Level Rewards and my link is below if you would like to help me out!

Leave a comment with your link below and I’ll do the same for you :)

Thanks guys

Grocery tips

Hey guys

So today I want to talk a little bit more about some of the things I do to save some money at the grocery store.  There are two methods to saving money with groceries: instant savings and rebates.

Instant savings:

A lot of grocery stores have their basic marketing plan to try to get you to spend as much money as possible while you’re there.  This article here from Fox News contains what I like to refer to as “supermarket secrets”.  Sounds dirty right?  Give it a look and reconsider how you shop if you aren’t really big on REALLY saving money.

While there are these secrets, stores also have loyalty programs for continuous customers.  Take the MVP program at food lion for example.  All you need to do is purchase things that give you a discount at checkout for utilizing the loyalty program.

It’s very important to remember not to just buy something because it is on sale — not if you’re trying to actually save some money.  Just compare what you NEED to what is on sale.

Another thing to do is check your Sunday paper for coupons.  Most stores local to you will have their flyers available in the newspaper.  If you do not have a newspaper handy you can always check your
mailbox twice a month for grocery store flyers.

Lastly, another route for instant savings is to digitally add available coupons to your grocery store loyalty card by utilizing which also has an app.


One of my favorite rebate apps is Ibotta because it’s so easy to use.  All you need to do is (presuming you have access to a smartphone) is to download the app, supply a phone number, and link your PayPal account.  When you’re ready to shop, just compare items on your shopping list with what is offered for rebate in Ibotta and do your thing.

Until next time -

Monday, April 2, 2018

Resurrection Reflection

Hi guys

So yesterday (seeing as it’s after midnight) was the day those of us who are Christian celebrate the gift of Jesus’ resurrection.

When I remember the sacrifice that Jesus made and how selfLESS he was/is, it makes me realize just how fragile and imperfect the human race really is.

For so many people, their own image in the eyes of other has to be or needs to be perfect.  But here’s a news flash: if you are human, you are not perfect.  It’s simply unattainable.  To think perfection in anything on this earth can be achieved is naive and ignorant.

This can be applied to anyone no matter what your beliefs—  no one on earth is spared from being imperfect.  Not a single person.

That’s why it is so important to come to terms with that and accept who you are as you are.

There is no room/time to be fake.  It’s so easy and dare I say, habitual, to be fake.  We try to present ourselves to others how we think they want us to be...but it shouldn’t be that way.

At the end of the day we are all just fallible humans.

An old buddy of mine just started a YouTube channel that you should definitely check out.  It’s raw honest and real talk.  If you would like to show some support for him check out this link right here and be sure to like, subscribe and share with your friends.  The name of his series is Cool Conversations.

Also if you’d like to show me a little support please do the same for my new YouTube channel as well.  It’s going to be very simple but hopefully effective way to present my artwork that I plan to sell at the following sites:

Thanks a lot guys and until next time, toodles!