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Sunday, November 11, 2018

It's a Pumpkin Palooza Baby!

Hey y'all

OK so Halloween (which I am not a big fan of anyways but I digress as that's enough to fill up a whole other post) has come and gone and so the lovely orange pumpkin which was sitting on my porch looking...well...lovely has met its inevitable demise.

But alas!  Beautiful things can happen after death, and so this pumpkin went through (actually still is so I need to make this quick lol) a LOT before getting chucked into the can o' doom.

First and foremost, let me just mention super fast how oddly satisfying it was for new to carve into that thing with a butcher knife. 

I'm not concerned.

I'm makin' some roasted pumpkin seeds using this recipe from the mother of all recipe sites out there

Next I'm going to scoop out the small dark strings and throw em in a pot to make a pumpkin tea drink.  I'll let y'all know how that goes.

Lastly, I'm going to bake the shell in the oven (after I find a link to use with the directions I'll come back and throw it up here - IF I remember. He he!) and scoop away the fruit and puree that sucker for a homemade pie! 

Pumpkin, you are not being wasted. 

That said, I'm going to go do this stuff now.

Til next time,

Catey :)

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