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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Last Pumpkin Post

Hey guys!

Ok I promise this is the last post about pumpkins lol.

I had just enough puree (yes it is still good) left to make this bread and I am super excited to see how it turns out.

Well this was a short one.

Catey :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Well here we are

Tis the night before thanksgiving and all through the place, not a food dish wasn't prepared.  I've got flour on my face.

That's not true at all.

Complete lie.

Just takin' a crack at those mad rhyming skillz....

I just wanted to say that while I've never seen any of you in person (that I know of), I am grateful for the few of you who do actually take time to read these entries I make, even if their only purpose is to make you smile since I'm such an odd ball. 

Besides, it gives me something to do.

I sincerely hope y'all have a good thanksgiving tomorrow if you celebrate it.  Even if you can't be with your loved ones, just know that you're loved.

Sappy sob session adjourned.

Til next time,

Catey :)

Monday, November 19, 2018

Pumptastic Eats!

Hey guys

Made a bunch of things with that huge pumpkin and let me say I am so pleased with the outcome (outcomes?).

More muffins
And I STILL have enough to make one more something or other.

The recipe I am using for tonites muffins and bread is here if you'd like to give it a look.  It was well worth the read (which I have to admit is a pretty big deal for me since I usually skip to the recipe).

Anyway, thanks for the read (why did I find that funny?)!

Til next time,

Catey :)

Sunday, November 11, 2018

It's a Pumpkin Palooza Baby!

Hey y'all

OK so Halloween (which I am not a big fan of anyways but I digress as that's enough to fill up a whole other post) has come and gone and so the lovely orange pumpkin which was sitting on my porch looking...well...lovely has met its inevitable demise.

But alas!  Beautiful things can happen after death, and so this pumpkin went through (actually still is so I need to make this quick lol) a LOT before getting chucked into the can o' doom.

First and foremost, let me just mention super fast how oddly satisfying it was for new to carve into that thing with a butcher knife. 

I'm not concerned.

I'm makin' some roasted pumpkin seeds using this recipe from the mother of all recipe sites out there

Next I'm going to scoop out the small dark strings and throw em in a pot to make a pumpkin tea drink.  I'll let y'all know how that goes.

Lastly, I'm going to bake the shell in the oven (after I find a link to use with the directions I'll come back and throw it up here - IF I remember. He he!) and scoop away the fruit and puree that sucker for a homemade pie! 

Pumpkin, you are not being wasted. 

That said, I'm going to go do this stuff now.

Til next time,

Catey :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Walk This Way!!!!

Hey guys

Today's post is going to be a real quickie considering I'm already sending some traffic this way!

You may or may not know that I am on a little weight loss journey.  It's been working.  It has only been about a month or two and I'm already down 2+ inches off my waist.  Yayeah!!!

The secret????

Walking.  I am walking 2-3 miles at least every other day if not every day.

I'm also holding myself accountable by logging my food in my fitness pal.

It is so awesome.

Not only do I look pretty great (cough oh goodness I'm not a narcissistic meanie just happy that I am seeing results) but I feel great too!

I also have a special tea at night which you can read about in my ACV post a couple weeks back.

Try it out if you wanna shape up!  And not just because you need a man (any grease fans here tonight?) But because YOU want to.  Do it for you.  There is no one better on this planet to please than yourself.


