Find Somethin' Specific

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The year is 2023......and all is.......well.....

 Well my oh my can you believe it?

Is this true?

Can it be?

It looks like I have returned from the far reaches of BEING BUSY WHILST NOT BEING HOME which I have to say is well, entirely the opposite of the title of my blog isn't it? 


But I shall digress.

I might pick this back up again and see what happens.  I haven't been on here in, well, quite awhile as you can see but, I enjoy writing these and what I love most about this is I can just type away and I figure someone out there might just get a kick out of it lol.

A lot has changed since I last wrote on here.  I am working again, part time mind you, but still, it's a job right?  And I've learned a lot in a whole lot of ways.  A lot of the changes that have occurred in my life since my last post here are of a most personal nature so of course you can't necessarily blame me for not going into detail here right?

What I can tell you is this:

I am growing.  No no no not wide and in the physically oblong or round sense (at least, not that I can tell anyway....)  But in an all encompassing way.  I've been doing some self reflection and prayer and am awaiting the life I am called to live.

I will post again soon.  Until then, take care to anyone who sees this!

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