Find Somethin' Specific

Friday, February 24, 2023


 Progress.  Progress indeed.

I made it to another post this year! Would ya look at that?

I may not have too much to say tonight, but I did just want to pop on and say that my goodness gracious it sure was hot today.  It was the first hot day it's been since winter started.  Spring is on the horizon my friends.  To be honest as you already probably know, it was only about 80 degrees here where I live, but that's still hot to me.  I remember when I was in my early 20's, I stayed at my maternal grandmothers house to help because my grandfather was getting weaker and my mother and aunts would rotate staying the night to assist her but we all had busy lives and other things to take care of so there would occasionally be a night where they would need help, so I'd stay over.  My grandmom (yes she is still living as of this post, both of mine are actually which I know is such a blessing as I'm in my late 30's) kept that house on 80 degrees.  I will never forget how incredibly and unbearably hot it was.  Forget sleeping comfortably because man oh man haha.  But it was nice to be able to spend the time with her and assist however I could.  Really they just wanted someone to be there so I was happy to do it.

As you see I am no where near a professional writer but I like to write so there's that.  Perusing the analytics I see that some of my posts do get views (hope it's not just when I look from time to time haha).  Here's to growing this blog!  We will see what happens, right?  It's funny how when you think you have nothing to write about your thoughts just come rolling out and the next thing you know you have said a whole lot more that you thought you would.  

I guess that's it for this go 'round.  I'll catch y'all next time.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The year is 2023......and all is.......well.....

 Well my oh my can you believe it?

Is this true?

Can it be?

It looks like I have returned from the far reaches of BEING BUSY WHILST NOT BEING HOME which I have to say is well, entirely the opposite of the title of my blog isn't it? 


But I shall digress.

I might pick this back up again and see what happens.  I haven't been on here in, well, quite awhile as you can see but, I enjoy writing these and what I love most about this is I can just type away and I figure someone out there might just get a kick out of it lol.

A lot has changed since I last wrote on here.  I am working again, part time mind you, but still, it's a job right?  And I've learned a lot in a whole lot of ways.  A lot of the changes that have occurred in my life since my last post here are of a most personal nature so of course you can't necessarily blame me for not going into detail here right?

What I can tell you is this:

I am growing.  No no no not wide and in the physically oblong or round sense (at least, not that I can tell anyway....)  But in an all encompassing way.  I've been doing some self reflection and prayer and am awaiting the life I am called to live.

I will post again soon.  Until then, take care to anyone who sees this!