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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Apple Cider Vinegar Tea

Hi guys

Today I wanted to talk a little bit about my new twice daily go to: apple cider vinegar tea.

The main reason I wanted to start this regimen was to assist in my weight loss efforts.  I will report on that later after seeing the effects.  But!  What really prompted me to post today was the fact that I had a pretty uncomfortable headache (it was one of those nasty sinus aches where you can feel it all throughout your face and neck). 

Without thinking twice about it, I made my ACV concoction and drank it down.

Within twenty minutes, I felt 100% better.

Here are the ingredients I used for my drink:

One cup of boiled water
Two tbsp ACV
One tbsp honey
One tbsp turmeric
One tbsp ground ginger
One tbsp ground cinnamon
Some cold water to fill up the 8 oz mug

I highly encourage you to try this if you suffer from sinus aches.  Its better than pills that's for sure!

Until next time

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