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Sunday, March 8, 2020

Stuffed Green Peppers AKA NOM

Hey guys!

I hope whoever/whomever looks at this is doing well.  I don't cook as much anymore since I work nights now, but I thought I'd pop over and share a recipe for stuffed green peppers since I made some last night.  I'll just plop it right here since you know I like to get straight to the point. 




I will say I didn't exactly follow the instructions.....I used it more so like a guide.  I had a whole pound of ground beef and only two I used the extra meat mixture around the peppers which came out pretty much like a layer of lasagna without the noodles and ricotta cheese lol.

I also didn't use any tomatoes.  But! I did use Prego's traditional pasta sauce if that counts.  Hey I'm all about quick and easy when it comes to cooking. I even took pictures because why not? 


Yes I know the stovetop looks awful but I wiped it down so calm yourself.

Looks pretty awesome and crazy and yes, freakin' delicious.  I could only eat half of it so there's that.  Time for leftovers because #wastenotwantnot

Til next time....
