Find Somethin' Specific

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Kiddo Clothes

Hey yall!

 I got an email today from The Childrens Place since I am a loyal subscriber. They have some fantastic deals going on today online. Did you know they have free shipping ALL the time? They even let you have free shipping on their clearance items, which is pretty sweet right (especially if you don't feel like breaking the bank)? I'm telling you if you have little ones you need to check it out. You can literally have an item shipped to your home for under 5 bucks if you do it right. They also accept PayPal so you don't even have to put in your credit card info.  Just go to this link right here to browse and get your little ones some pretty sweet gear.

Until next time,

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Fastish Food Service


Anyone ever dread grocery shopping?  Sure, I know some people thrive on getting out of the house and obtaining that sweet fresh air (well, at least in the time it takes to get from the house to the car, the car to the store, the store to the car, and the car to the house —- but let’s dispense with the specifics shall we?), but I’m talking to y’all who are just plain energy or time management challenged.

It seems like this day and age more and more things are becoming a matter of convenient subscription services.  Amazon is no different and has become what some might call the ruler of the internet shopping world.  If you like fresh food delivered to your door check out link below (or that beautiful banner above) to get a free trial. You have nothing to lose so why not?

Try AmazonFresh Free Trial

Monday, May 28, 2018

What’s a Wocket?

Look at that great price!  I saw a video a few days ago on YouTube ( via Facebook- oh the world of social media linking to each other...) and it was absolutely hilarious.  You can check it out right here and laugh your butt off.  Lol

Enjoy guys!  And—until next time


Reboot Your Router!

Hi guys

If you’re in the US, happy Memorial Day!

I just read an article in the New York Times about the FBIs request to, basically, turn it off and turn it on again ( in reference to your internet router that is).

Here is the link  if you’d like to check it out.

Until next time


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Olive Oil Cash Money

Hey guys

I found a class action lawsuit online today and it’s pretty much a no brainer to file a claim.  You do have to reside in the United States for this.  You can get up to 25.00 and 5 claim entries without a proof of purchase.  Here is the link to file a claim.  Check it out!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Garlic Butter Potatoes- results


So the potatoes came out fine but....I give you a word (well I suppose it would be a phrase wouldn’t it?) of caution:  No matter what you do, make sure those slits you cut in the potatoes are LONG.  I didn’t cut them enough so they were still raw when I brought them out.  I ended up cutting them up and adding more seasoning on top.  I think they’ll be fine but they definitely won’t be accordion shaped anymore.

Which brings me to this tidbit on how it’s not the best idea to eat raw potatoes right here.

Thanks guys and until next time-


Garlic Butter Potatoes

hey y’all

So I had 5 potatoes left in a bag I needed to use up.  I found a recipe for garlic butter potatoes that I’m trying out now.  I’ll try to remember to post an update if they turned out bad or anything (or amazingly awesome).  I will mention that I made a couple of modifications listed below.

Minced garlic in the bottle instead of cloves.
Cheddar cheese instead of mozzarella cheese.

Thanks y’all!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Stop! Grammar Time.

hey y’all

I have seen a lot of a minor grammar mistake all over the internet lately and I thought I would take a brief moment to clarify something if there is any doubt.

The incorrect version:

Should of
Would of
Could of
Must of

The correct version:

Should have
Would have
Could have
Must have


I suppose it’s more of a pet peeve than anything so I do apologize if I come across as a big ol’ meanie.  I just had to get it out there!   Thanks guys.

Til next time

Friday, May 18, 2018

Crayons! Heat! Art!

Hey guys

So today I am a little bored and thought it might be fun to do something a little bit different.  We have a bunch of old crayons in here and I thought it would be cool to see what would happen if I attempted to use the steps in this project tutorial.  It looks like it will be a lot of fun!  I’ll let you know how it goes.

Til next time,

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Potato Soup


I have a huge bag of potatoes that I need to use up soon.  I think I’m going to try to make potato soup using this recipe here.  I’ll let you know how it goes.


Laurel or Yanny

Hey y’all

So I heard about this whole internet division thing regarding the two words mentioned in the subject and all I gave to say is LAUREL.   What do you think?  Let me know in the comments.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother’s Day!

Hi fellow readers

To all of you who are mommas (or have a momma - which I’m sure would be most of you), I found a few links you can check out with some deals.

Free Food for Momma

Free Mimosas Meals and Treats

General Freebies for Momma

Enjoy and.......happy mother’s day!

Friday, May 11, 2018’s still in the wrapper!

Hi guys

You ever known anyone to eat a dollar menu burger with the wrapper?  Just found a pic on Twitter do I wanted to share with y’all.  Look at how easy it can be to go viral!  Insane right?  Here’s the link to see this crazy thing.

Thanks guys

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Laziest “Accountant” Ever

Hey y’all

I just came across this pretty cool way to make some passive income online.  All you have to do is create a free account and start typing in the numbers you see.  Check it out here!

Thanks guys

Monday, May 7, 2018

Earn Easy Commissions!

hi guys


So as you all know I am at home these days.  Trying to search legitimate ways to make a bit of passive income and I have seen a LOT.  There are so many people, companies, businesses and SCAMS.

That link up there you guys???  Not one of them.  I came across Chuck Nguyen’s AUTOMATED COMMISSIONS system completely by chance on a Facebook group of all things.  That’s the power of social media, right?   Anyway,  I just signed up for a 100% free account today and it’s probably going to be the best thing I have ever done online.  Hands down.  I literally don’t have to do anything and the cash is just going to roll in.  All you need is an email address and a PayPal account.

 Click that link up there.  Create a COMPLETELY FREE account and CONFIRM your account in the email you receive after creating it.  It’s really that easy.  Do it!

Thanks guys!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

King Charles?

hey guys

Well it looks like it’s.....still not happening yet.  But the Queen of England has officially backed her son as her successor.  Here is the link to read up on it.

Until next time


Friday, May 4, 2018

Muppets from Space

Morning (at least for a little while longer on the US east coast anyway)!

Today I am watching Muppets from Space on blue ray disc.  Absolutely hilarious.  All of our favorite muppets make an appearance including the best chef ever, Swedish chef!  Fun for the whole family.  Give it a shot!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Beauty and the Beast: Enchanted Christmas

Hi guys!

Today I’m sitting here watching Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas.  As a child you don’t always catch things completely.  It’s been years since I’ve seen this movie which I highly recommend.  Most Disney sequels just aren’t up to snuff in my opinion but this one takes the cake and is completely worth the time to view even as an adult if you are a fan of the original film.  As an animation fan, I really enjoy how they combine hand drawn animation with computer/digital animation.  All of the original cast returns along with some new voices, including Tim Curry as the villain Forte.   Give it a chance!

Until next time